Tuition Assistance
Harness experience-powered learning
At Northeastern, you and your family have access to a world-class education.
Our generous tuition benefit allows full-time benefits-eligible faculty and staff nine credit hours of tuition per academic term. And after three years of consecutive full-time employment, your dependent children are eligible for full tuition (there are additional benefits for spouses and domestic partners.)
Benefits-eligible faculty and staff
- Faculty and staff receive nine credit hours per term.
- After three years of consecutive benefits-eligible employment, spouses or domestic partners receive one undergraduate or graduate course per term (up to a maximum of four credit hours). One-half of the tuition cost will be waived for additional courses taken at the same time.
- After three years of consecutive benefits-eligible employment, your dependent children may be eligible for full tuition.
Part-time faculty
- After teaching for at least six terms, part-time faculty receive one undergraduate or graduate course per term, with a maximum of four credit hours.
- Spouses and domestic partners receive one undergraduate or graduate course per term (applies only if the benefit is transferred from a part-time faculty member).
Part-time staff
- Part-time staff who work 17.5 – 23 hours per week receive five credit hours per term.
Retired faculty and staff
- Retired faculty and staff receive two undergraduate or graduate courses per term, with a maximum of four credit hours per course.
- Spouses or domestic partners receive two undergraduate or graduate courses per term (excluding doctoral courses), with a maximum of four credit hours per course.
- Dependent children receive full tuition for undergraduate and graduate courses (excluding doctoral courses).
For more information about tuition assistance, please see our guidelines.
Greg GoodaleMy favorite experience at Northeastern is meeting new students when they first come here and watching them explode in terms of all the possibilities that are given to them in that moment
Associate Dean, College of Arts, Media & Design

Ellen Cushman(If I wasn’t a professor) I’d work in architecture. It is just this beautiful fusion of science and art. And I believe a really beautifully designed space can be beneficial for humanity and social issues.”
Dean’s Professor of Civic Sustainability, professor of English, and director of Civic Sustainability, Diversity, and Inclusion Initiatives in the College of Social Sciences and Humanities